A few years ago, my dad bought me a package of fortune cookies for my birthday. The cookies... well, they should have been thrown away a loooooong time ago, but I really wanted all the fortunes. I can use all the help I can get. So today, in the interest of cleaning my room (in the interest of stalling and not cleaning my room). I finally opened them all. Let me share with you my fortune!
A happy event awaits you -- Umm... That's what he said?
A happy event will take place shortly in your home -- Probably something to do with Twilight.
your help will be needed in an embarrassing situation -- Again, probably something to do with Twilight
you have an optimistic faith and confidence in life -- Wait, is this a fortune? it sounds more like a horoscope. Or maybe its cursing me. "You will suffer from faith and confidence!"
versatility is one of your outstanding traits -- Again, thanks for the compliment, but...
an unexpected phone call will bring good news -- Hopefully President Obama calling me to tell me I can go to the dentist for free.
you will soon solve a difficult problem -- I have a lot of problems. Its hard to guess which one will be solved
you have a winning way. keep it -- Oh-kaay?
you will have gold pieces by the bushel -- Like an old miner!
The time is right to reach your goals -- Is this hinting that I will grow a few inches? I can't reach my goals! I'm too short!
you will receive a compliment today -- Hopefully not the usual compliments I get from old men on the bus.
you will find fame and fortune -- Does this mean I will finally meet Robert Pattinson (it says find, doesn't say I get to keep the fame and fortune).
you will be happy socially and in your work -- I'm waiting...
you will have a chance at good fortune -- This one really sucks. I mean, what if I get so excited that I squeeze my eyes shut and squeal... and then my chance passes me by? Now I can NEVER SLEEP
you are deeply attached to your family and home -- This sounds so ominous.
you will read some information that will help you -- Well technically these are supposed to be helpful
you will be rewarded for your efforts -- I hope so! Because these cookies are extremely soggy. blech.
an invitation is headed your way -- Well its about time someone invited me!
money comes your way: a pleasant surprise -- Well, it is surprising when my paychecks arrive on time/without mistakes. Maybe this time... maybe...
I will say, reading all of those fortunes has really boosted my mood.