Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lunch Time

Soup Salad Sandwich Day. That was one of my favorite school lunches. I would get the Tuna fish sandwich or PB and J, chicken noodle soup, and salad with lots of cheese, ranch and those crispy chow mein noodles. Except for the one time the salad lady thought I said "peas" instead of cheese. RUINED MY LIFE. I believe this was one of the rare days where lunch was served with a donut for dessert. The other donut day was creamed tuna over rice day.

Anyhoo, I have come a long way from my elementary palate. Today I enjoyed some creamy tomato soup (which I used to hate) with a grilled cheese sandwich, and a warm mushroom spinach salad (the six year old in me says ewwww).

It takes a lot of effort for me to make just enough food for one person. It takes even more effort for me to make food and not insist that my new roommates also eat it (not that they would refuse...) -- its not courtesy, its a compulsion! I'm trying to be reasonable, but I've lived by myself and worked by myself for the past year, and frankly that doesn't give me enough opportunities to feed people. Its one thing to stock a freezer with cookie dough that will eventually reach someone's stomach. Its something else entirely to serve someone the most delicious cookie they've ever had.

I need someone to feed

Or I need someone to give me a million dollars so that I can open up a restaurant and have many someones to feed

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