Friday, July 24, 2009

Hair Wax

But... but...

How come boys get all the great hair?


  1. I know!

    I suppose its another one of those things that I secretly obsess over. I have never considered myself to be one of those ladies who think of hair as a good topic of conversation. My aversion to hair as a topic stems from my prickly pear attitude toward treating the superficial as if it is a life or death matter [insert rant about gender roles and femininity and body image HERE].

    But then there are these boys, with their hair! And ohhhh do I love their hair.

    And as I'm adventuring down roads that require me to think about how many servings of grains I've had in one day (grains = beers! done and DONE), and as my own hair becomes longer than its been since the magenta mo-hawk days, I find myself talking about these otherwise taboo topics. But that is okay, because it's not the only thing I talk about. Sometimes I really do insert a rant about gender roles and femininity (sometimes? ALL the time). But my therapist told me once that sometimes all you can do is look at a situation, analyze it, and that is that. It is what it is (sometimes though you can't move on, and you have to write multiple blogs about it and there never seems to be an end to it. Ever. They mostly come out at night... mostly).

    And mostly, I've surrounded myself with people who have similar outlooks on life as I do, people who aren't "hair talkers". I have great conversations with great people about a plethora of topics. We shoot the shit. And by golly, this boys' hair is the shit.

    I didn't post this in the blog because I didn't want it to detract from the imagery.

    My Hair: My bangs are growing out, which means they have once again become asymmetrical which REALLY bugs me for some reason. I need a haircut!

  2. Also, I'm pretty sure I've had Rob's haircut before. It reminds me of the grown out stages of the "I just shaved my head with the 1 inch setting on the razor"

    Further proof that he is the younger, more attractive (I would never look that good as a man) male, British version of ME.
