The United States of America's new and improved!:#: Nationalized Health Care plan:
Just make sure to only get sick once a year, because you can probably only afford to go to the doctor once. Don't worry, that entire paycheck that you spent while sitting next to our high class fish tank in the waiting room, it went to a good cause. Guppy Gupster (the guppy in the fish tank... no not that one, the other one) needed a vasectomy. You may have noticed the overpopulation in the tank. And, well, we thought about buying a second tank, or just making some delicious snacks. But that might save money, so we decided to do things the old fashioned way -- removing money dollars from your ass!
It was the most expensive bottle of cough syrup I've ever purchased. That codeine better work damn strait.
On a more positive note, I finally caught a glimpse into the true art of biscuitry tonight. My boss, Toby, is a wonderful person who trusts me way too much with her recipes. She assumes I know a lot about baking because of my last name. The truth is, I know a lot about how to get sugar into my pie hole in a tasty fashion.
Anyway. Toby trusts me, so she leaves a recipe that looks like this:
So. Biscuits. Even with a slightly more detailed recipe, I found myself in the dark. Of course I've made biscuits before, but I have a completely different style. The biscuits I made turned out beautifully... but they looked absolutely nothing like Toby's. I walked home in shame -- all these years culminated to this one night where I couldn't make a proper biscuit. I mean, it doesn't get much simpler than that!
Toby says "Oh, just add more liquid."
OK Toby!
This time, I baked off 4 tester biscuits, and they turned out perfect, by any standard.
30 minutes later...
WHAT THE #@!!!$#%. Four perfect biscuits followed by fourty shameful, seppuku worthy biscuits.
I admitted my shame to Ashley, probably the most awesomest person to ever set foot in a kitchen. She immediately replied back with an extremely helpful, well laid out guide to biscuit making that she had come across. Hints like, "Do it this way dumbass!"
I chilled and sifted flour. I poked the biscuits. I didn't twist the biscuit cutter.
They worked!
I think that chilling the flour is the most important step, because the cooler dough isn't as stretchy, and so when you cut those little circles, they stay one size, and don't shrink up like balls in ice water (run on sentence)!
Not that I've ever seen that in action.
So I had two delicious biscuits for breakfast (see, I have to test things!) with strawberry jam! You jealous?