Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nothing in Particular

Its really weird, writing a post that doesn't include mention of Edward, or Robert Pattinson. 

Now there's a shameful obsession! No no, not my obsession with Robert Pattinson, or Twilight. I'm talking about sunglasses. Hence the picture! Duh. Why else would I post that picture? 

It all started with Kurt Cobain... no, actually I'll have to go further back. There is a picture of me circa 1990 wearing my mom's purple sunglasses, they are stylistically the same as the raybans featured above (or at least that is what I assume the cursive says on the side of those glasses). But purple. And more recently I became obsessed with finding sunglasses that looked similar to the many pairs that Kurt (yeah, he'll get his own blog here, eventually) wore. And then it just morphed into an all out, full on obsession. And now, when amazon suggests that I buy a $250 pair of rayban sunglasses I wish that I could. 

Well, now that I have that out of the way... 

So, I'm trying to write this book. hhhhhh. Its really hard! I realized that I have one idea of how the characters should be, and then these conversations that happen between them, that really have nothing to do with the characters at all. They are just scenarios that are interesting to me. So, do I rewrite it so it matches up with the characters? Or do I change the characters so they match up with the conversations? Should I reject, or embrace the para-masturbatory?
I've never been very good at writing drafts. This is a problem. I like to write a sentence, and have it perfected. And then move on. I'm trying to break the habit. Writing in notebooks seems to be better. I am less likely to care what I write, and more inclined to spin out notes rather than sit and ponder how exactly I should word something, which is what happens in front of the computer. 
I also don't edit much when I write here. Can you tell? hahaha

One of my English professors talked about a hypothetical situation where her memoirs might be read at some future date, after her death. I thought "Who would want to read that? Who feels so self important that they think other people want to read about them?" 

Oh god! Why am I blogging! I'll never know. 

But, as I have found with other obsessions of mine, I want to share them with other people. It makes me happy, so maybe it will make someone else happy too. Hey, thats a great reason! 

For the past few days, my temperature has been at or below 97 degrees. Now its at 98.4 and I feel overheated. Does this mean I have a fever, or that my body was just incredibly weak for a few days, and has finally warmed up? 

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